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Writer's pictureAlyssa Rae Events


Updated: Jan 4

Choosing the right date and time for a corporate social event is crucial to ensure maximum attendance and engagement. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when making this decision:

Employee Availability:

Consider the work schedules and commitments of your employees. Choose a date and time that minimizes conflicts with work hours and other professional responsibilities. Additionally, ensure you are planning around popular times of the year where many people are away.

Time of Day:

Decide whether the event will take place during the workday, after hours, or on a weekend. Each option has its implications for attendance and employee engagement. During the day might be most appropriate for a team-building session. After hours might be more casual and celebratory. In my personal opinion, weekends may not be so popular if your employees work Monday to Friday; it may end up feeling more like a work obligation. My one caveat to this would be a family-invited event.

Season and Weather:

Be mindful of the weather conditions, especially if the event is outdoors. Consider seasonal factors that might affect attendance and the overall experience. Especially in the Vancouver area (where I reside), this is extremely risky and I would always have a plan B (indoor/covered) as a minimum.

Company and Industry Calendar:

Refer to the company calendar for any pre-scheduled events, meetings, or deadlines. Avoid conflicting with important company activities. Check industry calendars to avoid scheduling events during peak work periods, conferences, or industry-related events that might impact attendance.

Cultural and Religious Observances:

Be sensitive to cultural and religious observances that might affect attendance or participation. Avoid scheduling events on, or even near, major holidays or during religious celebrations.

Lead Time:

Provide sufficient lead time for employees to plan for the event. Avoid scheduling events on short notice, as it may limit attendance. I would say a minimum of 6 weeks notice!

Employee Preferences:

If possible, gather input from employees on their preferred dates and times. Consider conducting a survey to gauge preferences and availability. Of course, if it's during work hours, you can take a look at everyone's calendar as a first stop.

Geographic Location:

If your company has multiple locations or offices in different time zones, and you are planning a Hybrid/Zoom event, consider a time that accommodates the majority or find a compromise that works for all. If you are planning an in person event that it is offsite, consider a central location with good access to public transit; it is also pretty safe for the venue to be reasonably close to the central office.

Budget Considerations:

Assess whether hosting the event during peak hours or on weekends may incur additional costs.

Company Culture:

Consider the company's culture and whether employees are more likely to attend events during work hours or prefer after-hours socializing.


By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a date and time that maximizes attendance, aligns with company culture, and enhances the overall success of your corporate social event.


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